
Fall 2016

May 2017

September 2017


Out of the Blue – Maps & Graphics

Out of the Blue – Maps & Graphics

Maps and Graphics from UNEP's Out Of the Blue report that synthesises current knowledge of seagrass ecosystems, highlights the many values they provide to people, and offers policy recommendations that fully recognise these values.All the seagrass maps and...

Discovering Wildlife and Nature

Discovering Wildlife and Nature

Today's new normal has been characterised by social distancing, quarantine measures and stay at home orders due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In early March the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a global pandemic.As we...

Nordic Blue Carbon

Nordic Blue Carbon

The Nordic Blue Carbon project and the Norwegian Blue Forests Network explore blue carbon in a Scandinavian contextBlue carbon ecosystems include mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and saltwater marshes, which are noted for their ability to store and sequester...

Blue Carbon Enters US Presidential Race

Blue Carbon Enters US Presidential Race

This week, Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts and a candidate for US president, issued a Blue New Deal for Our Oceans that strongly features ‘blue carbon’. Through initiatives such as the UN Environment Blue Forests Project, GRID-Arendal has long worked on...