Lead Partner Organisation: WWF in Mozambique
Blue Forest ecosystem focus: Mangrove
Total area covered: 25,000 ha (for both improved understanding and improved ecosystem management)
The focus of the GEF Blue Forests Project small-scale intervention entitled ‘Mozambique Blue Forest Project’ is the application of blue forests methodologies and approaches for valuing carbon and other ecosystem services (ES). The intervention aims to improve the understanding of ES and carbon storage and sequestration for mangrove ecosystems in Mozambique, and to develop improved ecosystem management founded upon that understanding. The project’s main goal is to advance a REDD+ scheme through the production of a Project Design Document (PDD) for carbon finance application in the Zambezi delta applicable to an area covering a total of 25,000 ha. A PDD is the key document involved in the validation and registration of a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activity. GEF Blue Forests’ funds will support and enhance the existing national goals regarding mangrove conservation, national REDD strategy, and blue forests related policy assessment. GEF funds will allow this intervention to be developed into an internationally scalable experience comparable with the other intervention sites within the Blue Forests Project as well as with other external international initiatives.