The GEF Blue Forests Project’s Communities, Climate, and Coastal Ecosystems Showcase Event was held virtually on June 15th and 16th, 2021. The full recordings of each session from the showcase event can be found below:
After the showcase event, the GEF Blue Forests Project held a Month of Blue Forests webinar series from June 17th – July 15th, 2021. The series featured weekly discussions with international blue forests policy and science experts, as well as community organization members and local stakeholders.
Webinar #1: Blue Forests Policy – June 17, 2021
Featuring: Dalila Sequeira, World Wildlife Fund Mozambique; Joseph Kipkorir Lang’at, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute; Angela Rubilla, Project Coordinator, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative. Moderator: Gabriel Grimsditch, UN Environment Programme
Webinar #2: Blue Forests Communities and Social Justice – June 24, 2021
Featuring: Rahma Kivugo, Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation; Cicelin Rakotomahazo, Blue Ventures; Montserrat Alban, Conservation International; Nathan Bennett, the Peopled Seas Initiative. Moderator: Tiina Kurvits, GRID-Arendal
Webinar #3: Blue Forests Science for the Oceans We Want –July 1, 2021
Featuring: Steve Crooks, Silvestrum Climate Associates; Angelique Pouponneau, Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust; Leah Glass, Blue Ventures; Martin Gullström, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Södertörn University. Moderator: Linwood Pendleton, European Institute for Marine Studies, University of Brest
Webinar #4: New Technologies to Support Blue Forests Conservation – July 8, 2021
Featuring: Sara Pruckner, UNEP-WCMC; Cory Rhodes, Distant Imagery Solutions; Trevor Jones, University of British Columbia / Blue Ventures; Max Yancho, Blue Ventures; Nathan Thomas, NASA / University of Maryland. Moderator: Jane Glavan, Distant Imagery
Webinar #5: Oceanic Blue Carbon – July 15, 2021
Featuring: Ralph Chami, IMF; Bárbara Galletti, Cetacea Conservation Center; Dr. Trisha Atwood, Utah State University. Moderator: Steven Lutz, GRID-Arendal
Recordings from each webinar of the series can be found below: